Introduction to Preset Abilities

Preset Abilities are rare effects that may drop within weapons and units. You may see Japanese players refer to these as P-OP (Preset Option). These abilities can be transferred by going to the Item Lab. The level of the ability is randomly determined out of 5 levels. Weapons and Units have different abilities that can drop.


Weapon Preset Abilities
Fixer Attack (フィクサ・アタック) Increases Damage
Fixer Fatal (フィクサ・フェタル) Increases Critical Rate
Fixer Termina (フィクサ・テルミナ) Increases Critical Damage
Unit Preset Abilities
Fixer Performa (フィクサ・パフォーマ) Reduces PP Consumption
Fixer Natura (フィクサ・ナトゥーラ) Increases Natural PP Recovery
Fixer Ensogia (フィクサ・エンソジア) Increases Attack PP Recovery
Fixer Guard (フィクサ・ガード) Reduces Damage Taken


The [Add Preset Ability] menu allows you to add or replace an ability from a Weapon or Unit that will be consumed in the process. Each Preset Ability requires a certain amount of materials which is shown in the table below.


Weapon Preset Ability Requirements

  Material 1 Material 2 Material 3
Preset Ability Lv.1 Photon Chunk ×40 Monotite ×40
Preset Ability Lv.2 Photon Chunk ×60 Dualomite ×40
Preset Ability Lv.3 Photon Chunk ×80 Trinite ×40
Preset Ability Lv.4 N-EXCube ×2 Tedracite ×80 Photon Scale ×2
Preset Ability Lv.5 N-EXCube ×10 Tedracite ×120 Photon Scale ×15


Unit Preset Ability Requirement

  Material 1 Material 2 Material 3
Preset Ability Lv.1 Photon Chunk×20 Monotite ×20
Preset Ability Lv.2 Photon Chunk×30 Dualomite×20
Preset Ability Lv.3 Photon Chunk×40 Trinite ×20
Preset Ability Lv.4 N-EXCube ×1 Tedracite ×40 Photon Scale ×1
Preset Ability Lv.5 N-EXCube ×5 Tedracite ×60 Photon Scale ×7

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