PSO2 JP Patch: 12/26/2012

An update is required to continue playing Phantasy Star Online 2. The game will update automatically once you open the launcher, but you can manually force the update by clicking the File Check button.

Client Update:

Launcher is Currently:

  • Version 01.05.01

Patch Size:

  • 15MBs

Patch Notes:

  • Corrected a bug where the page function did not work correctly when you view the list of other parties in different blocks at the quest counter.
  • Corrected a bug where Darker type enemies did not show the correct spawn effect.
  • Corrected a bug where the boss' entry cutscene would change into another event.
  • Players will now be compensated in their storage box with 3 "add ability success +10%" if they received the incorrect title rewards for grinding their 10 star weapon to +10 before 12/19th's maintenance.
  • Weekly Ranking (Rare Container Ranking) will be temporarily suspended.

If you are downloading the game for the first time, you will need to download an additional 5.4GB update.

PSO2 JP: 12/19 Patch and Maintenance

12/19/2012 Patch

A patch? You know the drill.

Launcher is Currently

  • Version 01.05.01

Client Update:

  • ver. 1.0201.3
  • Dark-SuN's Windows Administrator Permission Fix.

Patch Size:

  • 32MB

If you downloaded the game for the first time, you will need to install a 5.2GB patch before you can play online.

 Maintenance Notes

  • Corrected a bug where the character graphics broke apart and the NPCs had an abnormal skin color.
  • Corrected a bug where the Dark Falz Elder Emergency Quest would not show up despite the results of the Falz Arm quest.
  • Corrected a bug where the container would appear on the ground before the aircraft that would drop relief supplies appeared on the screen.
  • Corrected a bug where the chignon decoration graphics would appear abnormally bright.
  • Corrected a bug where the attack animation speed would become abnormally fast if you performed a lobby action in a specific way.
  • Corrected a bug where the CAST skeleton collapsed when changing from Costume to Parts while performing looping lobby actions.
  • Corrected a bug that the cut-in chat would get dark while performing specific lobby actions.
  • Corrected a bug where Auto Words of Friend NPCs would not appear.
  • Corrected a bug where the costume "Kanagimaihime" would not show through the sides.
  • Corrected a bug where you could shortcut through the Amduscia Time Attack quest.
  • Corrected a bug where the BGM doesn't play in Parallel Areas Emergency Trials.
  • Corrected a bug where the # of people in the room, party name, and member list did not display correctly when viewing parties in other blocks at the quest counter.
  • Corrected a bug where you cannot pick up an item or see its name when defeating the Banther Ong or Rogbert
  • Merry Christmas Campaign items have been delivered to storage.
  • Countermeasures against cheat programs.
  • Lowered the chances an Interrupt Ranking event may occur, and increased the chances of Emergency Quests to occur.
  • Corrected a bug where the players wouldn't receive the correct rewards for a title when you grind your 10 star weapon to +10. If you acquired the title already, you will be compensated with 3x "Add Ability Success +10%" at a future date.


Maintenance Change

This week's scheduled maintenance will occur at a different time.

12/19 Maintenance:

  • Wednesday, December 19th @ 04:00 ~ 20:00 JST
  • Tuesday, December 18th @ 2:00 PM ~ 6:00 AM EST
  • Converted Time Zones

Maintenance Contents

  • To make various adjustments to the servers.

My Shop Search Changes

They have confirmed cheaters are collectively using the My Shop search functions at the same time causing an unnecessary burden on the  servers. As a temporary response to reduce server load, they have disabled partial matches for Player ID/Character Name searches. Therefore, when you are searching for players in My Shop, you must type in their full names. 

PSO2 JP: Update 12/12/2012

Today's update.

Falz Arms Pic

ファルス・アーム Falz Arms


Dark Falz Elder pic

ダークファルス・エルダー Dark Falz Elder

New Enemies

  • Falz Arm
  • Dark Falz Elder

New Emergency Quests

迫る漆黒の腕 Approaching Dark Arms

  • Arks Ship Wreckage
  • N: 1 H: 20 VH: 40

深遠なる闇の眷属【巨躯】 Profound Darkness' Kin / Followers of Profound Darkness [Colossus]

  • Arks Ship Wreckage
  • N: 1 H:20 VH: 40

In order to take part in the Profound Darkness quest, the Dark Arms quest must be cleared at least once.

Advance Notice:

Approaching Dark Arms will appear on all ships on the following date and time.

Lets join forces to defeat Dark Falz!

New Weapons

Fal Claw

ファルクロー Fal Claw (Wired Lance)


Cane of Adaman

アダマンの杖 Cane of Adaman


  Flame Visit

フレイムビジット Flame Visit (Launcher)



エリュシオン Elysion (Wand)

These are only a sample of the new weapons.

New Shop

  • Pyroxene Shop

At the Pyroxene Shop, you can trade Pyroxenes to receive 10 star weapons.

Balance Changes

  • Increased the chances of seeing a Parallel Area in All ARKS Quests and All Emergency quests other than Merry Christmas on Ice
  • Parallel Areas only occur in Single Party Areas
  • Merry Christmas On Ice has already received this boost since last week's maintenance

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected a bug where the game continuously loads.
  • The display window at the block changer was too narrow for it to display the gauge properly, this has now been corrected.
  • Corrected a bug where the uncharged Gi Megid technic would be abnormally strong.
  • Corrected a bug where the icons and play time did not display correctly when you're at the quest counter viewing the list of parties in other blocks.
  • Corrected a bug where nothing showed up in the tutorial window after accepting Koffee's Client Order to unlock Tundra.
  • For Light's Client Orders, when you either accepted them or cleared them, all of Light's dialogue would appears as "no_text"
  • Corrected a mistake in the description for Matter Board 3 C-3
  • Corrected a bug where Kressida's お手並み拝見しちゃおうかしら CO didn't show up even if you met the conditions for it to appear.
  • Corrected a bug where under certain conditions, Tranmizer and Transzexia would stop functioning.
  • Corrected a bug  where the tab in the client order list wouldn't work with the "tab changing button" assigned to the Gamepad or Keyboard.
  • Corrected a bug where the auto-word that were registered for Revived and Healed did not appear.
  • Performed measures to correct the bug with the NPC skin tones and character graphics breaking apart, however, these bugs may reappear after maintenance. The first thing you should do is update your graphics driver and check to see if the bug still exists. Afterwards, send a bug report which should include your graphical settings and a detailed description of your symptoms.
  • Before the 11/28 maintenance, those who used a mag device to overwrite the auto-action and trigger action only to have it return back to normal once the mag leveled up will receive EXCubes for compensation in your storage box.

Other Stuff:

  • Guardians Cash has now converted over to Arks Cash.
  • There's a bug with the accessory Chignon Decoration where the graphics may appear abnormally bright.