GM Event: Great Gurhalian Cup Tournament

I'm back from vacation… Not exactly a vacation but something similar to one. December 1st starts the Gurhalian Cup Tournament. Teams can now register before the festivities begin.  Your allowed to have 2-5 players in your team. For Xbox360 players, the tournament will not include missions known for robot slowdown.

  • The first 32 teams to register (per server) will be entered in the tournament.
  • All team members must be level 100+
  • Each team must include at least one Techer (Fortetecher or Acrotecher) and one of the following: Wartecher, Guntecher, or Protranser.
  • Scape dolls are not allowed. Only the team’s techer(s) may revive fallen teammates. Each Acro and Fortetecher is allowed three scape dolls per round, but must sit out the round if they die without a scape doll, and their team must continue without the option to revive members.
  • If all members of a team are defeated, that team is disqualified.
  • Team members must use the same characters / classes through the entire tournament.
  • Game Masters will be present in each round to ensure that all teams race fairly and abide by the tournament rules.
  • Players may only be part of one team, and may not use alternate accounts to enter in a second team.

The GM states that this tournament will not delay any new additional content expected to arrive alongside this event. We eagerly anticipate the announcement of updates.

[via Phantasy Star Universe Official Site]

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