Winter Event: Protectors B Zoal Goug Disc Walkthrough

Zoal Goug Discs are so easy to find. They are just out there ready for you to pick them up. I've been noticing that the beta missions have easier discs than the alpha ones. It pretty much takes out the challenge of finding them. So if you really really need it. Here are the disc locations for Zoal Goug's route.



Key Points for Disk Locations

  • You can Solo the Zoal Goug Route to get 10 Discs
  • Each Boss has 1 Disk in a box

There are three different routes to reach the boss. You can choose between the Onmagoug & Dimmagolus Route, or Zoal Goug & Magas Maggahna route. Randomly the game will chose the Seed-Magashi Dulk Fakis Route, which gives you the chance to receive rare drops and boards as well as the maximum 350% increased experience for those areas.

Block A – All Routes

Winter Event Phantasy Star Universe

Block A is the same for all routes. Off to to the right in a little nook is the 1st Disc inside a box. The 2nd Disc is inside a tree located near the blue gate. Use your goggles on the tree and cut it down with your sword. The Zoal Goug Route has a different gate that can be accessed by using the portal to the left of the 2nd Disc.

Protectors Disk Guide Phantasy Star Universe

Look who's hiding all the way over here!

Block B – Zoal Goug Route

Very straight forward and easy. As you enter, just defeat the enemies then split the teams up so that one does the left side and the other does the right. Step on the switches on the floor and the door opens. As you enter the second part, you will have a room on the left and the right. The gates can be opened by pressing on the floor switch once. The right room contains Disc  #3. After you clear enemies and get your key, Disc #4 is behind you near a PP Cube and Healing device. Just shoot the boxes and you'll get the disc.

Well That Was Easy..

Block C – Zoal Goug Route

Very easy, defeat all the enemies in the rooms and the discs will appear right in front of you! Now thats service!

Block D – Zoal Goug Route

Hey remember the story mission, Rescuing Hyuga? Well its exactly the same and a great place to level up your Photon Arts. Considering this map is really pretty much a long rectangle, I'll just tell you where the discs are located instead. In the first room, just defeat the robots. They'll just keep popping up. Eventually you'll reach the boss portal. Before your party heads towards the boss, look towards the left for a huge box and another open room…

Disc #7 is located inside a huge box to the left of the Boss Portal. Just shoot it and proceed to the next open room ahead of you! 

Disc #8  is behind the green door just waiting for you to pick it up!

Final Block – Zoal Goug / Magas Maggahna

Disc locations were pretty easy to find, but atleast there's a twist at the end. In Zoal Goug, and just about every boss fight, run behind you towards the start of the arena and there will be a nice little box waiting for you to open. For Disc #10… Previously after a certain amount of damage the disc would appear in the center of the arena, but not anymore. Now its in a box! SURPRISE!!!

We're On to your sneaky tactics SEGA!

Protectors b Disc Location: Onmagoug Route

OMG! Its Onmagoug again, and this time you fight two variations back to back. Atleast Onmagoug doesn't have those annoying ground creatures that put you to sleep. On this route you'll be going through parts of "Her Secret Mission" and other party Neudaiz missions from before. Here's the guide for the disks.



Key Points for Disk Locations

  • Onmagoug Route you can get 10 Disks on Solo
  • Each Boss has 1 Disk

There are three different routes to reach the boss. You can choose between the Onmagoug & Dimmagolus Route, or Zoal Goug & Magas Maggahna route. Randomly the game will chose the Seed-Magashi Dulk Fakis Route, which gives you the chance to receive rare drops and boards as well as the maximum 350% increased experience for those areas.

Block A – All Routes

Winter Event Phantasy Star Universe

Block A is the same for all routes. Off to to the right in a little nook is the 1st Disk inside a box. The 2nd Disk is inside a tree located near the blue gate. Use your goggles on the tree and cut it down with your sword. Now you can proceed with your party to the blue gate infront of you.

Protectors Disk Guide Phantasy Star Universe

Look who's hiding all the way over here!

Block B – Onmagoug Route

You may remember Block B from Her Secret Mission, but its a little bit modified. Anyway the 3rd Disk is right inside a gate maze. You can make your way around the maze to get the disk. Its not very hard and it doesn't take long to figure out. Disk 4 is hidden behind yet another false wall. So just walk through it and Disk 4 Is yours!

The Wall is just another LIE!

Block C – Onmagoug Route

As you start out, half of your team can enter the portal to the left. The other half can just fight infront. The team who took the portal to the left can find the disk inside a beehive on a tree. Sounds Familiar? Anyway after this you will meet up with your other teammates after you open the gate. You can then proceed on towards Disk 6 which is inside a maze full of bombs.

Is this really a beehive or some kind of coconut?


Block D – Onmagoug Route

Its that party mission from Neudaiz. Remember!! Anyway you don't have to get all bent out of shape opening the doors with 2 people. You can just skip ahead and get the disks. Disk 7 is hidden inside a floor trap that spits out poison. Disk 8 is hidden inside a box at the end of this block. Very simple and straight forward this route seems to be.


Final Block  – Onmagoug / Dimmagolous

Blah Blah Blah, same as before, there is a box in the Onmagoug arena you can find sitting off all alone by itself. Shoot the Box!  Dimmagolous has a disk after a certain amount of damage that appears in the center of the arena.

Rain? In MY PSU?

Protectors α Disk Location: Dulk Fakis Guide

Dulk Fakis map will rarely show up on either the Adahna Magahna Route or De Ragnus Route. If your block C is in the Mines, then congrats you've got Fakis! So lets jump right into it.



Key Points for Goggles and Photon Eraser

  • You can Find Goggles by doing Episode 2 or Episode 3’s Online Story Mission
  • Photon Eraser will be given to you in your Items Menu.
  • You must add Photon Eraser to your Action Pallete.


Block C – Dulk Fakis Route

In Block C there's a split route to the right and in front of you. You should head right first, enter the portal and transfer yourself to get disk #5. Disk #6 portal is one way, so be sure you have Disk #5 before proceeding. Disk 6 is hidden behind a false wall. Just walk through it and find the disk.

The Wall is A Lie!


Block D – Dulk Fakis Route

Disk 7 and 8 can be obtained by destroying Seed Cores by using the Photon Eraser. Make sure to equip the Photon Eraser to wipe out the pods. First use your goggles to find a pod, then after its identified, use the Photon Eraser and spray it until it turns grey. As you pass a 3 switch gate, you will see larger pods. 3 people must use the photon eraser at the same time in order for it to turn grey. Disk 7 is in a box, and Disk 8 appears after you purify seed core.

3 People, 1 Pod.


Final Block – Dulk Fakis

The 9th Disk appears behind you, and the 10th disk appears after a certain amount of damage to Dulk Fakis. Its hard to miss.