PSO2 Station #21 Recap

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Please take note as the information below is subject to change.

July 7th Stream

Sand Park Arkuma Land (July 11th ~ July 25th)

  • Enemies mainly weak to Fire
  • Omega Apprezina will appear!
    • [Appress Grudge Omega] supports S2 and S3
      • Factor: S3:Immediate Profusion
      • Potential is the same as the Old Type
  • 6th Anniversary Exchange Shop Lineup will receive some adjustments.
  • Apostolo Dragon does not appear in this quest.

Mountain Stream Team Room

  • It will be implemented correctly on July 25th

6th Anniversary Revival Scratch

  • Runs from July 17th ~ July 25th
  • Contains popular hairstyles, accessories, and lobby actions

Apprentice Emergency Quest (8 Players)

  • You must protect the particle cannon or you'll fail.
  • In the latter half, when you switch to Luther Form, if you die, you'll automatically revive after some time.
  • You'll have a better shot at getting Phobos series in this quest.

EP5 Side Story [My Hero]

  • Mainly deals with Stratos
  • It's sort of like EP1 Battle Tournament.

Bringer Rifle

  • With the potential, using the weapon action stocks 6 bullets, and the normal attack becomes powerful.

★13 Allure Series

  • Its potential deals with the Apprentice Dark Blast Form.

Lumiere Series

  • They plan to have an upgrade for the Lumiere Series in the future.

OT Austere Upgrade

  • Yes there's going to be a method to upgrade the OT Austere

It could be quite hectic at the beginning of the month to participate in PSO2 day! Can you add extra days for it, like on the 12th or the 22nd?

  • In the future, we plan to give a PSO2 Day equivalent boost on the "22nd" for Premium Set users. However, we have not come to a decision if Arks Rappies will appear.

Will we be able to obtain the [Dia] series outside of Driving Rain?

  • It's going to be a bit further ahead, but we're planning another opportunity to re-obtain them.

Will Dark Empe Rappy and SOROKING D appear outside the story?

  • We have plans to implement Dark Empe Rappy, but SOROKING D is not currently scheduled to appear. It seems, however, this character is pretty popular, so maybe it could come at some point?

What does the "EV" special ability stand for?

  • Evolve

Lostbob's Question:
Are we getting Nyau Suit Mini and Kakwane Suit Mini?

  • Unfortunately, we currently don't have plans for a Kakwane Suit Mini.
  • However, you can expect to see a Nyau Suit Mini down the road.

Late July Adjustments

AC Scratch Adjustments

The following items will no longer be offered in the Regular AC Scratch.

  • Grind Risk Reduction (Complete)
  • Attribute Changers (Each Element)
  • Add Special Ability (PP)

The scope of this adjustment only applies to [REGULAR] AC Scratches.

Items other than [Add Special Ability PP] will continue to be offered in [Support Item Selection] Scratches which are available for a limited time.


The following scratch pull rate will be adjusted.

  • Great Success Grind Rate (100%)
    • From 12% to 1.3%~1.4%

Mag Support Extend Device and Mag Food Device Release Schedule Rotation Changes

  • Food Device [SATK][RATK][TATK][DEX]Mag Support Extend Device


Booster Adjustments

Rare Drop Boosters Purchase Adjustments

  • NEW: Rare Drop +400% (Costs 900 AC) (6 Hours)
  • Rare Drop +300% (Costs 75 SG)
  • Rare Drop +300% (x3) (Costs 200 SG)

October Balance Adjustments

Sacrifice Bite:

  • Sacrifice Bite will remain on the sword upon switching weapons
  • The effect of Sacrifice Bite will be revised.

Sword (Hu)

  • Normal Attack and PA Power Buff

Launcher & Twin Machine Guns

  • You can now cancel with Jump and Dive Roll when using Dive Roll Shoot.


  • Revised the effects of [Element Conversion]. The [Other Element Conversion Rate] will become 45% at Level 5. Along with this, the potential [Eternal Operation Device] and Ability [S4:Refined Providence] will be adjusted.

Bullet Bows

  • Added evasive and movement behaviors to some PAs

Jet Boots

  • Made changes so that the element no longer returns to its original element even if you have 0 Gear when the element was overwritten.

Dual Blades

  • Distract Wing will now be able to turn during the rushing phase.

Customized Disks

  • Can now be sold in My Shop

More to be added…

Jet Boots Behavior Changes



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PSO2 Station #20 Recap

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June 9th Stream

Secret Phrase

  • Say the phrase スクショ映えするロビアクちょうだい to receive two new Lobby Actions

June 13th Update Reminder

  • SG Scratch with Layered Wear outfits.

Simple Compound Technics

  • Simple Compound Technics will only be used through PP consumption.
  • They are available to Fo and Te, and can be set to Rod, Wand, or Talis.
  • You can place it to your Weapon Palette or Sub-Palette.
  • While their PP consumption is heavy, their effects are quite strong.
  • They unlock by clearing Marlu's Client Orders

Wand PA Heavy Hammer

  • It's set up with [Non-Charge], [Charge], and [2nd Charge] behaviors.
  • The PA is treated as a "Striking Attack"
  • For Lavis Canon, its shockwave attack can hurl out with the PA.

Pet Color Variations

  • Pet Color Variations come from rare eggs with a different color.

Dark Blast [Transparent Ver]

  • Transparent version can use your character's voice.

Arks Rappy Suit Mini

  • The Arks Rappy Suit Mini can drop on any difficulty. However, you'll have a better chance at nabbing it on Extra Hard.


Player Icons

  • Players under certain conditions will have icons overhead.
  • Beginners have an icon that looks like sprouting leaves.
  • Returners have an icon that looks like a blooming flower.
  • Returners are players who haven't logged in for more than 30+ days.
  • There's also a special bonus.
  • For example, partying with a returning player provides the effect:
    • Triboost + 50%
    • Featured Quest Reward + 1

Event Quest: Arkuma Land

  • Apostolo Dragon: A new reskinned boss will appear in the quest.
  • ★14 Zirenheit NT will drop
    • The potential is the same, but the weapon will support S-Class Abilities
  • The Homura Series can be obtained as a drop or through Xie.
  • Homura weapon upgrade requires the following:
    • Homura Weapon +35 (and) 9 Stones of some kind.
  • Shien weapons support S-Class Abilities S1~S3
  • Guren weapons will instead have high base specs.
  • Basilis Collection File will be revived around the release of this quest.

Future Balance Adjustments

  • L/Air Reversal
  • L/Step Jump
  • L/Step JA Combo
  • L/J Reversal JA Combo

Skills in which you can acquire the effects of the aforementioned rings, will be added into the Skill Tree of each class. They will be implemented as Class Skills that unlock when you reach a certain level. You will be able to learn them without spending any Skill Points.

  • Divine Raikou

To prevent the over-reliance on Divine Raikou, the following will change. Rapid Shoot's recast time will be the equivalent of Divine Raikou's potential at level 3. In exchange, Divine Raikou will have a different potential.

The above mentioned balance adjustments should be implemented in October. In addition, those who own the items/rings mentioned above will receive some form of compensation in the future. You will qualify even if you embedded those rings.


If it doesn't load, right click and press [Copy Video URL] and paste in a tab.

Bullet Bow Mobility Adjustments

  • Bullet Bow will have some features to make it more nimble.
  • This can be seen through the video above.
  • You can attack and slide!
  • The sliding comes with some short invincibility.

All Weapon Double Jump Support

  • Gunslash will indeed receive double jump support in the future. For the barehanded fighting style, they're investigating whether it should support double jumps or not.
  • Make sure to read the previous recap to understand this section.

Mother & Deus Quest

  • They have no plans to revive the collection file, however, their ★13 weapons will be easier to drop. Any new weapons from this quest will remain a secret ♥!

Enchanted Forest Free Field

  • The Enchanted Forest will be updated as new enemies are added to Omega.

S-Class Ability Swapping [Under Development]

  • This is under development but they are working on a feature where you can swap S-Class Ability between weapons or something. It could be something like, you could swap [Weapon A's] and [Weapon B's] S-ability. They're going to charge Meseta for this service.


More To Be Added


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PSO2 Station #19 Recap

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Please take note as the information below is subject to change.

Post May 12th Stream Update

  • Bouncer Proposals

May 12th Stream


Player's Survey Results

Spring Survey Class Evaluations

This chart represents the level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction based on the Player's Spring Survey. It appears many are extremely satisfied with Hero. However, Force and Summoner received the most dissatisfaction rating among players.

Techer and Hunter received a pretty lukewarm response, while Fighter and Braver seem to be in good standing compared to the other standard classes. As you can see, there's a huge difference in satisfaction between Hero and the other classes.

Sega's future goal is to make people play PSO2 with their favorite weapon and class. In order to do this, they will be focusing on strengthening the concepts of each class, clarifying their standing position. In addition, they are looking to make it possible for other classes to experience amenities of a similar nature to Hero. Their third task is to review each class and make improvements on the weakpoints they carry. Doing all of these tasks will make it so that more people can enjoy PSO2! Yay..



Current and Enforced Policies

On May 9th, they implemented skills to clarify the strong points of each class. You can read a list of these new skills through the previous post.

  • Hunters: Enhance their party supporting abilities through War Cry
  • Ranger: Elevate their fighting power by enhancing trap' support functions, and PP recovery abilities
  • Force: Increase their DPS by reducing charge times
  • Bouncer: Enhance their support characteristics.
  • Summoner: Improve their safety so that they can battle while focusing only on the pet.
  • Techer: Enhance its supportive capabilities ensuring that you can provide support technics.

May 9th also focused on improving the poor parts of each class through skills.

  • Braver: Relaxing the point that made balancing Katana and Bullet Bows difficult.
  • Fighter: Reducing the risk of Limit Break
  • Gunner: Improving its 'weakpoint' in regards to how poorly it handles wide-range attacks.



Future Adjustments

The plan is to add the following features to the game in the future:

  • Implement a Double Jump for ALL weapons.
  • Implement a class skill similar to First Blood
  • Allow you to turn some Rings into Charms (Recall Zieg's COs)


Class Satisfaction Details

Hunter Satisfaction

The majority of players gave hunter an [OK] rating with 42% of the entire pie chart. If we were to combine satisfaction and dissatisfaction totals, you would reach 27% satisfied and 31% dissatisfied.
Players seem to love Hunter's mobbing capabilities, as well as its defensive capabilities with Automate and Massive Hunter. However, they seem to not like the heavy reliance on Sword Gear. They also don't like that Sacrifice Bite cancels when you switch weapons.

The Future of Hunters

As for Hunters, they are extending its features of being a "Class of High Durability." Hunter is a class that excels in combat, hate management, and party support. In the future there will be updates that makes use of those strong points by adding situations where multiple enemies or strong enemies spawn.

The Proposals

  • They are looking for ways to address Sacrifice Bite and Gear.



Ranger Satisfaction

The majority of players gave Ranger an [OK] rating, filling up 38% of the chart. Slightly more people are satisfied with Ranger than they are dissatisfied. Players seem to love Ranger's supportiveness through Weak Bullet, and appear to enjoy the thrill or Rodeo Drive Type 0. However, Rangers seem to dislike the evasion performance of Dive Rolls. They also seem dissatisfied with the increased reliance on Standing Snipe. They also don't like how difficult it is to battle with a loaded Weak Bullet.

The Future of Rangers

As for Rangers, they are extending its features as being a [Support-Type All Rounder]. They see it as a class that plays an active role, not only in support, but also in firepower. With the former, Rangers come to the support of party members through the access to special bullets, like Weak Bullet. In the latter, their damaging capabilities come from a combination of several factors, like through their use of traps and powerful charged PAs, among other things.

In the future, they will add situations that demonstrates the class's true value, by adding quests that you can spend some time playing.

The Proposals

  • Yes there's a ring, but, they want to address the difficulty of knowing when Standing Snipe is On or Off.
  • They are also looking into the problem with Dive Rolls.


Force Satisfaction

Forces are bit—unstable, with opinions varying among the playerbase. Of note, [Dissatisfied] ate up 29% of the entire chart. If we add both [Dissatisfied] and [Really Dissatisfied], the combined total takes up exactly half of the pie. When Forces aren't angry at the development team, they seem to love the class's high firepower, ease of compound technic usage, and the buffs given to [traveling] Technics.

Forces seem to dislike its low DEF and HP, the burden on paying customized Technics, and the high reliance on Elemental Conversion—making it troublesome having to prepare weapons for different elements.

The Future of Forces

As for Forces, they are extending its features as a [High-Powered Long Distance Attacker]. They believe this class can further exhibit its strengths, by being aware of the position taken with the enemy. So even though you have to prepare your weapons in advance, "if certain conditions are met," you are capable of becoming extremely powerful.

They plan to implement updates in the future that further make use of these strengths.

The Proposals

  • They plan to make value adjustments with Elemental Conversion's non weak element.


Braver Satisfaction

Alright, we're up to Bravers now…Players seem to generally like Bravers, where 34% of responses received an [OK] rating, and 31% of responses received a [Satisfied] rating. Bravers tend to like the exhilaration of using a Katana and the buffs given to the PAs. They love the Braver Mag adjustment and the buffs to the [traveling] PAs. 

Bravers tend to be dissatisfied with Bullet Bow's poor mobility and there not being enough skill points to assign. It seems they also don't like the over-reliance on Divine Raikou.

The Future of Bravers

As for Bravers, they are extending its features of being an [All Rounder That Excels in Mobility]. They think of Braver as a class that excels in battle, no matter the distance, thanks to its Bullet Bows and Katanas. In addition, the class proves its worth through its versatility when using Bow PAs based on the current situation. It also demonstrates value for its high speed capabilities, when taking advantage of the Katana's mobility. In the future, they plan to carry out an update that demonstrates these strengths even more.

The Proposals

  • They're going to show us something in the future regarding Bullet Bow's mobility.
  • They're looking into addressing the over reliance on Divine Raikou. They haven't made a firm decision but they might create a charm, or re-examine rapid-shoot, or something.



Bouncer Satisfaction

Players seem generally pleased with Bouncers, putting [OK] responses at 37%, and [Satisfied] responses at 27%. Bouncers seem to love how they can support and attack at the same time. They also think that Dual Blades and Jet Boots are fun to use, and they approve of the weapon balancing of the class.

However, they seem to dislike how hard it is to use Distraction Wing. In addition, they don't like the low variety of PAs, and they feel there's insufficient space on their sub-palette.

The Future Of Bouncers

As for Bouncers, they are extending its features of being an [Support-Type All Rounder that Excels with Range.] They believe it's a class that performs a range of actions, from boosting the power of party members through its automatic support capabilities, to its wide-range attacks.

In the future, they will implement an update in order to demonstrate its true value, as a class that can not only provide support, but can also engage in combat, distinctively from a Techer. They plan to enhance Bouncer's supportive capabilities and widen its range in attacks.

The Proposals UPDATED

  • Dodge Auto Field should help make some space in your sub-palette.
  • To expand on the space issues, they're questioning whether they should allow Technics to be set on weapons other than Jet Boots.



Summoner Satisfaction

[Dissatisfied] and [Very Dissatisfied] combine to a total of 48%, so you know something is wrong with the class. As for its good points, players seem to like how easy it is to play. You don't have to worry about Just Attacks, and even if you're not good at its various actions, you can still feel like you're participating in battle. Players also liked the buffs given to pets in the recent updates.

Raising a pet seems to be a burden for players. They dislike how difficult it is to use some PAs, and how troublesome it can be to make the Pet return to its master.

Future of Summoners

As for Summoners, they are extending its features of being a [Class Whose Role Changes Based On the Pet.] They see it as a class that can either attract hate, or provide a steady fight if you switch to multiple pets—this along with many other aspects.

In the future, they will implement an update so that it becomes a class that is easy to use, even if you're not good with its actions. This will be done by making improvements towards pet raising and controls. They also appear to be enhancing their personalities/individualities?

The Proposals

  • They plan to ease the Pet raising aspect.


Fighter Satisfaction

Fighters received a generally pleasing evaluation, with [Satisfied] and [Very Satisfied] taking up 52%. Players generally loved its high power, and the feeling of tension with Limit Break.

Fighters disliked how there's too many rings to use, how limit break's risk is too high, and how Double Saber doesn't have a good [traveling] PA. The countermeasure for the second complaint is already implemented thanks to the Limit Break Insurance skill!

Future of Fighters

As for Fighters, they are extending its features as a class that's a [Close-Range Attacker with High Power.] Thanks to Limit Break, they believe this class has the highest firepower among all classes. Limit Break can even create situations of High Risk / High Return! They will implement an update that makes the best use of this feature in the future.

The Proposals

  • They are thinking of some way to address the ring situation.


Gunner Satisfaction

Gunners are generally [OK] with the class, They tend to love the buffs to Grim Barrage, and like how chaining is easier to do. They also find Stylish Rolls excellent! But as for the bad parts, they seem to not have enough Skill Points, and find there are many skills that rely on Rings. Also, they complained of Grim Barrage being difficult to use due to the specification changes.

The Future of Gunner

As for Gunners, they are extending its features of being a [Mid-Range Attacker with High Burst Damage]. Generally, Gunner's evasion performance is pretty high, and you can fight reliably even from a certain distance away.  In addition to the previous statement, they think of Gunner as a class that excels at burst damage thanks to the Chaining system.

As they address the class's poor range, they will implement an update to further exemplify Gunner's role as a mid-range attacker who utilizes high burst damage.


  • Lowering the max SP to 5 with Zero Range Advance 2.
  • They are thinking of some way to address the ring situation.
  • They are thinking of a way to address the Grim Barrage situation. They haven't decided yet, but it might be something like an ON/OFF switch, or it performs tracking only when Locked-On.


Techer Satisfaction

Most Techers gave it an [OK] rating, with 28% of respondents [Satisfied] and 7% of respondents [Very Satisfied]. Players praised Techer for its high support capabilities, and its high-powered normal attacks. It seems to have a good affinity with many subclasses.

Techers appear to dislike the shortness in range of Support Technics, the difficulty in choosing a skill, and how monotonous it can get fighting with a wand. (HINT HINT).  Anyways, the first point has already been addressed in the May 9th update now that Techers have a skill that can cast support Technics to Party Members in the same area. The last point will seem to be addressed in the Summer???

The Future Of Techers

As for Techers, they are extending its features of being a [Support-Type Attacker That Can Buff and Deal Close-Range Attacks.] They think of Techer as a class that is the most efficient of strengthening party members. In addition, they see that even if you're fighting with a Wand, you can still deal damage to some degree.

In the future, they will implement an update so that you have an active role not only in support, but also in battle. They will also make it easier to provide support for party members.


  • Break up the monotony of Wands by releasing a PA in the Summer.


Hero Satisfaction

As you can see, players are [Very Satisfied] with Hero, with a combined [Satisfied/Very Satisfied] score of 70%. Players liked Hero for its high power and mobility. They found its attack speed exhilarating and the spirit blasts really strong! Players seem not to like the requirements on becoming a hero, the large differences in performance of its weapon types, and the class's low defense.

The Future of Heroes

As for Heroes, they are extending its features of being an [All-Purpose Class That's Easy To Use]. They think of it as class having features in which you can deal a powerful blow through Countering. In the future, they will implement an update that exemplifies the class's strengths by allowing you to obtain an advantage if you prevent yourself from getting hit. Another aspect they're looking at is filling some gear through weapon switching.


Top 10 Update Requests

The Spring Survey asked players the TOP things they wanted to see in an update. Here is a list of the TOP 10 Requests from survey entrants.

  1. Add a New Class (Advanced Class)
  2. Add new PAs and Technics
  3. Add Balance Adjustments.
  4. Improve the Drop Rate
  5. Add New Fields
  6. Add New Raid Bosses
  7. Add New Skills
  8. Enhance Premium Set Features
  9. Add New Customized PA/Technics
  10. Add New Emergency Quests


PSO2 Future Contents

  • In the future, they will focus on contents that can be played by multiple people—generally contents for 12 players.
  • Solo and 4-Player contents that test you strength will be released around equipment updates.
  • As for Raid content, they're advancing development so they can add 2 ~ 3 of them each episode.
  • For Heroes, they plan to add new skills around the time they raise the level cap of each class to 90.
  • As for them adding an [Advance Class] [New PA/Technic], you'll have to wait some time, but they are making preparations.


May 12th Tidbits

Dark Falz Loser Trigger Quest

  • A 4 player quest against Dark Falz Loser.
  • There are no death counts in this quest.
  • Dalz Legein Camo supports 9 categories.
  • Loser Quest Trigger is Sellable.

When is Hero's Next Level Cap?

  • Before the end of the year, when the level 90 cap hits, Hero will also get Level 90.

Future S4 Super Abilities?

  • They are implementing an item, from the Mother & Deus battle, in which you can add an S4 ability

Are there new ★14s in the Mother & Deus Battle?

  • Unfortunately you'll have to wait and see if new 14s exist for this quest.

What's the deal with the ★14 Pets?

  • All pets will eventually support this, however…
  • Wanda, Torim, Aero, Cery, Jinga, and Popple will get first dibs.
  • Apparently there's some exclusive feature for ★14 Pets.

Are there any plans for Buster Quests?

  • They have plans to add a quest like "Endless Belligerence."
  • Thus, it appears this will become an Emergency Buster Quest.

Are they going to add Dark Rappy items?

  • They're currently investigating whether they should create a Dark Rappy Suit and Pet.

Conqueror’s Crest Lineup

  • For now, the Conqueror’s Crest lineup will stay as it is currently.

Battle Arena Update

  • In Late June we can use Jet Boots, Rifle, and Talis.


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