PA Customization System

PA Customization System

Katana PA Customization

PA Customization Guide Navigator
[ PA Customization System | PA Customization Recipes ]


Quick Rundown

PA Customizations allows you to alter the behavior and power of your Photon Arts. Performing this action results in customized PA disks ending in "/C", for example [Twister Fall /C] or [Cerberus Dance /C].  Before you apply the customization, you can see which stats are affected in the confirmation screen.


PA Customize Confirmation

Each customized Photon Art applies the following values:

  • Lv. : Level
  • 威力 : Power
  • 消費PP : PP Consumption
  • カスタムタイプ1 : Custom Type 1
  • カスタムタイプ2 : Custom Type 2
  • 挙動変化 : Altered Behavior

Customized disks have no effect on the PA’s level. The altered behavior will remain the same until a reset disk is applied. You can obtain these reset disks at the Recycle Shop.

Customized PAs alter the values of the Photon Art. Because of this, there can be cases where the Power ends up lower than what it was before. You can confirm the new values in the confirmation screen prior to applying the customization.
Customized PAs alter the values of the Photon Art. Because of this, there may be cases where the PP Consumption ends up higher than its previous values. You can view the new values in the confirmation screen prior to applying the customization.
Custom Types are variables that fluctuate between a range of numbers. Custom Type 1 typically affects the power of the Photon Art. Aim for a high value to offset any power nerfs embedded in the customization.

Custom Type 1 [Custom Type 1 +10%] is a booster item obtained from the FUN Scratch. This item can be used during the crafting process to improve the values for [Custom Type 1].


Custom Types are variables that fluctuate between a range of numbers. Custom Type 2 typically affects the PP consumption of the Photon Art. Aim for a high value to offset the PP cost increases embedded within the customization.


[Custom Type 2 +10%] is a booster item obtained from the FUN Scratch. This item can be used during the crafting process to improve the values for [Custom Type 2].

Typically describes the altered behavior of the PA.

Customized PAs may end up with higher or lower values. You can confirm these new values prior to applying the customized disk.
※ If you're unsatisfied with the results, you can reset your PAs at the Recycle Shop.
※ The information above is not exhaustive, more information will be added in the future.


Menu Guide

PA Customize Craft Menu

From the Crafting Menu in the My Room Terminal,  select:

  • My Crafts >> PA Customization


PA Customize Recipe Selection

After selecting a craft line, you must choose the Photon Art you wish to customize.


 Craft Recipe Selection

Here you can view details of the crafting recipe. Each crafting recipe requires Meseta and PA Fragments. Striking PAs typically require  PAフラグメント(打撃), whereas Ranged PAs require PAフラグメント(射撃). You can acquire these PA Fragments from Player Shops or through Item Desynthesis.

For a list of Photon Arts and their Crafting Recipes, you can head to the PA Customization Recipe page.


Customized PA Discs

A customization disk will be sent to your Item Pack after the process is complete. If you're satisfied with the results, you can apply the disk to alter the behavior of the Photon Art.


PA Customize Reset Discs

If you're not happy with the customization, you can purchase the "/R" Reset Disk at the Recycle Shop 's Crafting Shop. Each /R disk resets a specific Photon Art, and you can acquire these disks by trading in 4 Excubes.

 ※ The information above is not exhaustive, more information will be added in the future.

PA Customization Recipes

Craft Arts Maker

[ PA Customization Recipes ]


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