Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity Opening Movie

Post Extended!

Sakai updated this morning about the opening movie. Since we've already seen it, there's nothing particularly new about his post. The opening movie is edited with new footage among the old. The old default costumes are to symbolize the previous game, Phantasy Star Portable 2.


It appears the sound clip may have been off from the Nico Nico Douga video, so the opening movie will be shown at the official site later on. But first, Sakai says you should watch the whole thing at the Tokyo Game Show. You should expect to hear some new announcements at the show this week.

[via pspo2iblog]

Opening Movie

[Download Opening Here]
[Download Interview Here]


[flowplayer src= width=400 height=225 splash=]

Click above to Play Video!
Song: Ignite Infinity
Composer: Hideaki Kobayashi

A mysterious new character who appears after Shizuru.
Who is he and why is he designed so badly?


The Human DNA undergoing mutation.
Red Ring Rico reference from PSO.


Nagisa and the Steel Heart's trigger.


Item Design Contest

Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity and Nico Nico Seiga is holding an item design contest! The judges will select artwork that will be included In-Finity! To view submitted entries, you may additionally click on artwork tagged as weapons and artwork tagged as clothes and parts.

The items selected may also make an appearance as download items for PSpo2i. Sega plans to reveal a collaboration with Nico Nico's company itself. So in essence we now have Calorie Mate and Nico Nico Douga joining as new collaboration materials.

[via naohin (erased) + nico nico]

Twitter Contest

A twitter contest will be running during the duration of the Tokyo Game Show! Between, 9/16/10 – 9/18/10, those who mention Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity x Calorie Mate collaboration in twitter (in Japanese…) will randomly receive a few gifts.  You have to follow both Calorie Mate's mascot (@yellowman2010) and PSP2's mascot (@rapico) to enter the contest.  Winners chosen will receive a Calorie Mate: Maple Block, a Phantasy Star Portable 2 x Calorie Mate strap, and Phantasy Star Portable 2: PSP the Best! 

You must sign up for your entry here.

If you attend the TGS on either Sept 18th, or Sept 19th, the days Sakai will appear, you can receive a business card with Nagisa's artwork.  The card will be given out at specific times which are mentioned on @rapico's twitter account just before it starts.

[via dengeki]

PSPo2i: Beach Teasers

Hi quick update today. Captain T at the official blog posted details about a brand new field which is simply known as Kaigan or Beach for now. Unlike Sakai, Captain T likes to be very uh vague and rambles on a lot… so… He mentions killing 4 Finjers, which are those surfboard enemies that you see in Phantasy Star Zero at the Arca Plant.

He also says you can lock important items from being sold or thrown away. (It appears these are a specific type of items though…)

This beach mission will be playable at the Tokyo Game Show!

[via pspo2iblog]

  • Captain T also mentioned K-On saying that the last episode is coming up.
  • (Possible Collaboration? Maybe?) Sega is making a K-On PSP rhythm game.
  • Sakai's full interview posted on Nico Nico Douga. (How come he didn't take that one down…)
  • Download Full Interview Here

Additional Comments

Is it just me or does that boss seem like a reskin of the Octopus of PSZero. Hmm…

Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity: Default Outfits [Part 2]

Good Morning. As expected, Sakai updated his blog today talking about the rest of the default outfits for Cast and Beasts.  It seems the Japanese gamers loved the Human and Newman designs that were revealed yesterday. However, over here, we had a completely different reaction.

The Phantasy Star Fashion Show is in full effect today!

Cast Male

This outfit is like a Knight's armor!


Cast Female

This outfit represents a White Angel


Beast Male

Parts of this outfit is made out of bone!


Beast Female

A wild and sexy fur outfit !


[via pspo2iblog]

Additional Comments

The old default outfit for PSPo2's Beast was actually supposed to be a グラール釣りチャンピオン (Gurhal Fishing Champion)!? The new white angel outfit of infinity is supposed to be a direct contrast of the gothic black look of PSP2. Now that Beast Female looks like she's thinking, "To hell with Little Wing, where's my Gucci bag?"