PSO2 The Animation Volume 1
~ March 16th, 2016 ~
First-Press Limited Edition
- Price: ¥6,500 (Blu-ray) / ¥5,600 (DVD)
- Details: 2 Episodes, Illustrated Outer Case, Visual Book, Bonus DVD, 2 Postcards
Standard Edition
- Price: ¥4,700 (Blu-ray) / ¥3,800 (DVD)
- Details: 2 Episodes
The limited edition release will include the following episodes and bonuses:
- Episodes [Quest 01] & [Quest 02]
- Outer case featuring an illustration of Itsuki and SORO.
- Seiga Academy School Guide (Visual Book)
- Seiga Academy Student Council Special Meeting (Bonus DVD)
- Two Episode Ending Postcards
Both the limited and standard editions come with item codes for all of the in-game rewards listed below.
Name | Type |
清雅学園冬制服F [Ba] Seiga Academy Winter Uniform F [Ba] |
Female Basewear |
清雅学園冬制服M [Ba] Seiga Academy Winter Uniform M [Ba] |
Male Basewear |
清雅学園制服リボン 青 Blue Seiga Academy Uniform Ribbon |
Accessory |
清雅学園制服タイツ Seiga Academy Uniform Tights |
Female Body Paint |
Name | Type |
イツキヘアー Itsuki Hair |
Hairstyle |
リナヘアー Rina Hair |
Hairstyle |
PSO2アニメ瞳 A 大 PSO2 Anime Eyes A Large |
Eye Pattern |
PSO2アニメ瞳 A 小 PSO2 Anime Eyes A Small |
Eye Pattern |
PSO2アニメまつげ A 黒 PSO2 Anime Eyelashes A Black |
Eyelashes |
PSO2アニメまつげ B 黒 PSO2 Anime Eyelashes B Black |
Eyelashes |
PSO2アニメまゆ A PSO2 Anime Eyebrows A |
Eyebrows |
男性共通イツキボイス Male Voice – Itsuki |
Voice Ticket (All Races) |
女性共通リナボイス Female Voice – Rina |
Voice Ticket (All Races) |
PSO2アニメ 1巻ポスター PSO2 Anime Volume 1 Poster |
Room Item |
PSO2 The Animation Volume 2
~ April 20th, 2016 ~
First-Press Limited Edition
- Price: ¥6,500 (Blu-ray) / ¥5,600 (DVD)
- Details: 2 Episodes, Illustrated Outer Case, Visual Book, Bonus CD, 2 Postcards
Standard Edition
- Price: ¥4,700 (Blu-ray) / ¥3,800 (DVD)
- Details: 2 Episodes
The limited edition release will include the following episodes and bonuses:
- Episodes [Quest 03] & [Quest 04]
- Outer case featuring an illustration of Yumiko and Last Samurai.
- PSO2 Players Secret File (Visual Book)
- Seiga Academy Student Council Radio! #1 (Bonus CD)
- Two Episode Ending Postcards
Both the limited and standard editions come with item codes for all of the in-game rewards listed below.
Name | Type |
マスターネズミ・レプカ Master Nezumi Repca |
Male Costume |
オ―ガキャッツ・レプカ Orga Cats Repca |
Female Costume |
オーガキャッツイヤー Orga Cats Ears |
Accessory |
オーガキャッツテイル Orga Cats Tail |
Accessory |
オ―ガキャッツアイ 大 Orga Cats Eyes Large |
Eye Pattern |
オ―ガキャッツアイ 小 Orga Cats Eyes Small |
Eye Pattern |
マスターネズミイヤー Master Nezumi Ears |
Accessory |
マスターネズミテイル Master Nezumi Tail |
Accessory |
ネコのひげ Cat's Whiskers |
Accessory |
泣きぼくろA Tragic Mark A |
Face Paint |
男性共通マスターネズミボイス Male Voice – Master Nezumi |
Voice Ticket (All Races) |
女性共通オ―ガキャッツボイス Female Voice – Orga Cats |
Voice Ticket (All Races) |
PSO2アニメ2巻ポスター PSO2 Anime Volume 2 Poster |
Room Item |
Name | Type |
イツキ私服[Ba] Itsuki Civilian Clothes [Ba] |
Male Basewear |
リナ私服[Ba] Rina Civilian Clothes [Ba] |
Female Basewear |
リナヘアー2 Rina Hair 2 |
Hairstyle |
リナのリボン Rina's Ribbon |
Accessory |
PSO2 The Animation Volume 3
~ May 18th, 2016 ~
First-Press Limited Edition
- Price: ¥6,500 (Blu-ray) / ¥5,600 (DVD)
- Details: 2 Episodes, Illustrated Outer Case, Visual Book, Bonus CD, 2 Postcards
Standard Edition
- Price: ¥4,700 (Blu-ray) / ¥3,800 (DVD)
- Details: 2 Episodes

The limited edition release will include the following episodes and bonuses:
- Episodes [Quest 05] & [Quest 06]
- Outer case featuring an illustration of Kid and Silva.
- Opening Making Book (Visual Book)
- Seiga Academy Student Council Radio! #2 (Bonus CD)
- Two Episode Ending Postcards
Both the limited and standard editions come with item codes for all of the in-game rewards listed below.
Name | Type |
ムサシ・レプカ Musashi Repca |
Male Costume |
ムサシハット Musashi Hat |
Accessory |
ムサシグラス Musashi Glasses |
Accessory |
ムサシリアユニット Musashi Rear Unit |
Accessory |
マギアイヤリング紅 Magia Earrings Crimson |
Accessory |
オウガタトゥー Ogre Tattoo |
Male Body Paint |
男性共通ムサシボイス Male Voice – Musashi |
Voice Ticket (All Races) |
PSO2アニメ3巻ポスター PSO2 Anime Volume 3 Poster |
Room Item |
Name | Type |
清雅学園夏制服M[Ba] Seiga Academy Summer Uniform M [Ba] |
Male Basewear |
清雅学園夏制服F[Ba] Seiga Academy Summer Uniform F [Ba] |
Female Basewear |
ユタカヘアー Yutaka Hair |
Hairstyle |
アイカヘアー Aika Hair |
Hairstyle |
清雅学園制服リボン 赤 Red Seiga Academy Uniform Ribbon |
Accessory |
清雅学園制服ネクタイ 赤 Red Seiga Academy Uniform Tie |
Accessory |
清雅学園制服ハイソックス Seiga Academy Uniform High Socks |
Female Body Paint |
清雅学園制服ソックス Seiga Academy Uniform Socks |
Female Body Paint |
PSO2アニメまつげC 黒 PSO2 Anime Eyelashes C Black |
Eyelashes |
女性共通アイカボイス Female Voice – Aika |
Voice Ticket (All Races) |
PSO2 The Animation Volume 4
~ June 15th, 2016 ~
First-Press Limited Edition
- Price: ¥6,500 (Blu-ray) / ¥5,600 (DVD)
- Details: 2 Episodes, Illustrated Outer Case, Visual Book, Bonus CD, 2 Postcards
Standard Edition
- Price: ¥4,700 (Blu-ray) / ¥3,800 (DVD)
- Details: 2 Episodes
The limited edition release will include the following episodes and bonuses:
- Episodes [Quest 07] & [Quest 08]
- Outer case featuring an illustration of Master Nezumi and Orga Cats.
- Seiga Academy Newspaper – Madonna Feature (Visual Book)
- Seiga Academy Student Council Radio! #3 (Bonus CD)
- Two Episode Ending Postcards
Both the limited and standard editions come with item codes for all of the in-game rewards listed below.
Name | Type |
†コア†・レプカ †Coa† Repca |
Male Costume |
リリカ・レプカ Lilika Repca |
Unisex Costume |
ワイルドマフラー Wild Scarf |
Accessory |
リリカステッカー Lilika Sticker |
Sticker |
男性共通†コア†ボイス Male Voice – †Coa† |
Voice Ticket (All Races) |
女性共通リリカボイス Female Voice – Lilika |
Voice Ticket (All Races) |
PSO2アニメ4巻ポスター PSO2 Anime Volume 4 Poster |
Room Item |
Name | Type |
清雅学園夏制服2M[Ba] Seiga Academy Summer Uniform 2 M [Ba] |
Male Basewear |
清雅学園夏制服2F[Ba] Seiga Academy Summer Uniform 2 F [Ba] |
Female Basewear |
コウタヘアー Kota Hair |
Hairstyle |
ミカヘアー Mika Hair |
Hairstyle |
清雅学園制服ハイソックスB Seiga Academy Uniform High Socks B |
Female Body Paint |
PSO2アニメ瞳B 大 PSO2 Anime Eyes B Large |
Eye Pattern |
PSO2アニメ瞳B 小 PSO2 Anime Eyes B Small |
Eye Pattern |
PSO2アニメまゆB PSO2 Anime Eyebrows B |
Eyebrows |
PSO2アニメまゆC PSO2 Anime Eyebrows C |
Eyebrows |
PSO2 The Animation Volume 5
~ July 20th, 2016 ~
First-Press Limited Edition
- Price: ¥6,500 (Blu-ray) / ¥5,600 (DVD)
- Details: 2 Episodes, Illustrated Outer Case, Visual Book, Bonus CD, 2 Postcards
Standard Edition
- Price: ¥4,700 (Blu-ray) / ¥3,800 (DVD)
- Details: 2 Episodes
The limited edition release will include the following episodes and bonuses:
- Episodes [Quest 09] & [Quest 10]
- Outer case featuring an illustration of †Coa†, Lilika, and Musashi.
- Aika's Earth Report (Visual Book)
- Seiga Academy Student Council Radio! #4 (Bonus CD)
- Two Episode Ending Postcards
Both the limited and standard editions come with item codes for all of the in-game rewards listed below.
Name | Type |
ラスト侍・レプカ Last Samurai Repca |
Male Costume |
弓子・レプカ Yumiko Repca |
Female Costume |
茶三度笠 Brown Sandogasa |
Accessory |
スズナアイパッチ Suzuna Eye Patch |
Accessory |
チークファイア 赤 Red Cheek Fire |
Face Paint |
弓子スキン Yumiko Skin |
Body Paint |
男性共通ラスト侍ボイス Male Voice – Last Samurai |
Voice Ticket (All Races) |
女性共通弓子ボイス Female Voice – Yumiko |
Voice Ticket (All Races) |
PSO2アニメ5巻ポスター PSO2 Anime Volume 5 Poster |
Room Item |
Name | Type |
旅館「仁羽屋」浴衣M[Ba] Ryokan Niwaya Yukata M [Ba] |
Male Basewear |
旅館「仁羽屋」浴衣F[Ba] Ryokan Niwaya Yukata F [Ba] |
Female Basewear |
旅館「仁羽屋」羽織M[Ou] Ryokan Niwaya Haori M [Ba] |
Male Outerwear |
旅館「仁羽屋」羽織F[Ou] Ryokan Niwaya Haori F [Ba] |
Female Outerwear |
アイカヘアー2 Aika Hair 2 |
Hairstyle |
リナヘアー3 Rina Hair 3 |
Hairstyle |
PSO2 The Animation Volume 6
~ August 17th, 2016 ~
First-Press Limited Edition
- Price: ¥6,500 (Blu-ray) / ¥5,600 (DVD)
- Details: 2 Episodes, Illustrated Outer Case, Visual Book, Bonus DVD, 2 Postcards
Standard Edition
- Price: ¥4,700 (Blu-ray) / ¥3,800 (DVD)
- Details: 2 Episodes
The limited edition release will include the following episodes and bonuses:
- Episodes [Quest 11] & [Last Quest]
- Outer case featuring an illustration of Itsuki, Rina, and Aika.
- Peerless Memorial Book (Visual Book)
- Peerless Memorial Talk (Bonus DVD)
- Two Episode Ending Postcards
Both the limited and standard editions come with item codes for all of the in-game rewards listed below.
Name | Type |
キッド・レプカ Kid Repca |
Male Costume |
SORO・レプカM SORO Repca M |
Male Costume |
シルバ・レプカ Silva Repca |
Female Costume |
SORO・レプカF SORO Repca F |
Female Costume |
SOROマント SORO Cloak |
Accessory |
男性共通キッドボイス Male Voice – Kid |
Voice Ticket (All Races) |
女性共通シルバボイス Female Voice – Silva |
Voice Ticket (All Races) |
男性共通SOROボイス Male Voice – SORO |
Voice Ticket (All Races) |
女性共通SOROボイス Female Voice – SORO |
Voice Ticket (All Races) |
PSO2アニメ6巻ポスター PSO2 Anime Volume 6 Poster |
Room Item |
Name | Type |
シルバR私服 Silva R Civilian Clothes |
Female Costume |
シルバRヘアー Silva R Hair |
Hairstyle |
アイカヘアーGV Aika Hair GV |
Hairstyle |
アイカバイザー Aika Visor |
Accessory |
シルバRタイツ Silva R Tights |
Body Paint |
タクト-NT Tact-NT |
Tact Weapon |
ラッピーエッグ★10 Rappy Egg ★10 |
Pet Egg |
※Details, release dates, and bonuses for these titles may be subject to change.