Coming 4/14/2010, the 風紀委員エクスキューター (Disciplinary Comittee Executor) outfits and weapons will be arriving to a Japanese Playstation Store far from you! Unfortunately the outfits cost money, which is a shame considering they look pretty cool. Finally the long awaited End of Eternity/Resonance of Fate Anchor King collab item will appear next as DLC.
Executors Execute!

(Male OR Female Clothes and Parts)
300 Yen

スパークフィスト Spark Fist
50% Fire (Knuckles)
200 Yen

バンブーブレード Bamboo Blade
50% Ground (Sword)
200 Yen

バンブーブレイズ Bamboo Blades
50% Lightning (Twin Saber)
200 Yen

スクールバッグ School Bag
50% Ice (Wand)
200 Yen
Gemaga Rebellion Overview
This week the ゲーマガ 天守閣の乱, Rebellion of the Keep, was released, and it provided a breath of fresh air to the game. The mission is accessed in Story Mode ストーリーモード. In the mission counter select Extra mission, エクストラミッション, then Clad 6, グラッド6. If you see a green DL, then you have it!

The mission is side scrolling just like Streets of Rage/Bare Knuckle. As such you will fight humanoid enemies most of the time. These enemies can be very brutal as they resort to Guerrilla warfare tactics of hit and run. The mission also includes rare spawns which is noted by 、Little Wing Rosk、リトルウィング・ロスク and Dilnazen pattern. The other rare spawn is noted by a Guardians Rosk, ガーディアンズ・ロスク and Ardite Pattern.
No matter what level you are between Level 50-180, the enemies will be 10 levels above you. It's best to stock up on all healing items, scape doll, a tech mag or wand with resta. The Hunter class is best for this mission, but I completed it with a Beast Braver as well.

At the beginning of the mission you will meet Kuno and Bask. Kuno will tell you that you can't use Nanoblast, Mirage Blast, and SUVs. Bask will tell you to exchange 2 Gemaga Tickets to receive a Gemaga Goody bag. In order to obtain the Gemaga Ticket, you must complete the mission.
In your first incompleted playthrough of the mission, there will be one portal that leads to a boss fight with the Vol Brothers. One of them may or may not have a boost. During the second playthrough, the second portal will open up and leads to a boss fight with 3 Shizurus. An additional Shizuru will be boosted to King status.

At the end of the boss battle you will fight Bruce's Cargo Ship! It's very easy if you use two handed weapons such as the knuckle, claws, or double sabers. It's not based on how strong the attack is, but rather the amount of times each portion gets hit.
Gemaga Tips?
I suggest having your class as Hunter, you'll need the HP and hit power. I suggest getting Ice Resist (refer to Maximum Attack Little Wing Cup) and equipping it to the line shields. Use ground line shields in the first block, then dark line shields in the second block. Both should have Ice resist.
Personally I used claws with ice status effects since it helped in freezing enemies. Being a Braver class also nets you EX trap usage. If you are a braver, add the Burst Bomber バーストボマー Ability in the Battle shop. This ability adds extra damage to traps. You can effectively place EX traps in front of doors which can kill two spawns of enemies instantly. Traps are also useful against the bosses. If you manage to save most of them, you can spam Fire EX traps during the Vol Bros and Shizuru Boss fights to kill them quickly.
Shizuru's boss fight is especially tough since you have three attacking you with great amounts of damage. I suggest Just Guarding or Blocking with a shield most of the time. Shizuru isn't meant to be attacked in a brute force manner, unless you're good and can manage it. Try to attack Shizuru after he attacks, because there is a short period of time where you will see red lightning sparks on him and he doesn't move. During this time he is completely vulnerable to chaining.
Do you have additional tips? Comment Below!
- Typestatic
- Twin Claws: Fukamisaki. フカミサキ
- Photon Art: ソウガチョウセッカ
- Boudoir
- High level techs; Wand and Shield Combo
Gemaga Goody Bag
Lots of neat stuff in this Goody bag. You will generally receive a weapon and a room item. You must hold less than 59 items in order for Bask to give you the prize.
*Information gathered via pspo2 wiki
Weapons |
Room Item
Crea Doubles
クレアダブルス |
Wood Tile |
Cooking Set
節子おばさんの料理セット |
Curse of the Pumpkin |
Frying Pan
節子おばさんのフライパン |
Light Festival Decor |
Dream Fisher
ドリームフィッシャー |
Nights |
Raigutas Storm
ライグタス・ストーム |
Okiku Doll |
Double Sabac
ダブルセイバック |
Maybe: OkikuWell
オキクノイド |
Sweet Deathic
スウィート・デスック |
Maybe: Hanging Scroll
カケジク |
Double Agitoc |
Maybe: Lantern
ボンボリ |
Osobrac |
Maybe: Touro
トウロ |
Raikasobrac |
Random |
Alseba Kuc |
Random |
Rogadokuc |
Random |
Guraldeikuc |
Random |
Ebrozeikuc |
Random |
Fraudokuc |
Random |
Pitoc |
Random |
Pegic |
Random |