Temporary Abilities are additional effects appended onto units for a limited time. These effects may increase various stats, improve drop rates, or provide support in different ways.
To get started, you must first "Update a Data Drive," then craft "Temporary Ability Data" items. After the entire process is complete, you may use these data items to attach the abilities onto units.
- ※ Performing this action binds the unit to its owner. This prevents the item from being sold or traded to other players.
The information presented below is in an unfinished state.
More details will be added in the upcoming days.
Head to a [Crafting Terminal] or [My Room Terminal] to get started.
Craft Menu
- 武装エクステンド: Equipment Extensions
- テクニックカスタマイズ: Technic Customizations
- 時限能力インストール: Temporary (Timed) Ability Installations
- アイテム分解: Item Desynthesis
- 戻り: Return
Temporary Ability Installations
- 時限能力データ作成: Create Temporary Ability Data
- データドライブを更新: Update Data Drives
- データドライブを確認: Check (Saved) Data Drives
- 戻り: Return
▲▲ Click the Recipe/Materials tab to continue. ▲▲
Select a crafting line and choose a recipe.
The recipe list is split up into 4 categories. (All) (Rear) (Arm) (Leg)
This section is incomplete.
Unit / Location |
Details |
リア/森林1 Rear / Forest 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
リア/凍土1 Rear / Tundra 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
リア/遺跡1 Rear / Ruins 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
リア/火山洞窟1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
リア/浮遊大陸1 Rear / F. Continent 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
リア/ 龍祭壇 1 Rear / Dragon Altar 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
リア/ 砂漠1 Rear / Desert 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
リア/ 地下坑道1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
リア/ 採掘場跡1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
リア/海岸1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
リア/海底1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
This section is incomplete.
Unit / Location |
Details |
アーム/森林1 Arm / Forest 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
アーム/凍土1 Arm / Tundra 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
アーム/遺跡1 Arm / Ruins 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
アーム/火山洞窟1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
アーム/浮遊大陸1 Arm / F. Continent 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
アーム/ 龍祭壇 1 Arm / Dragon Altar 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
アーム/ 砂漠1 Arm / Desert 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
アーム/ 地下坑道1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
アーム/ 採掘場跡1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
アーム/海岸1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
アーム/海底1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
This section is incomplete.
Unit / Location |
Details |
レッグ/森林1 Leg / Forest 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
レッグ/凍土1 Leg / Tundra 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
レッグ/遺跡1 Leg / Ruins 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
レッグ/火山洞窟1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
レッグ/浮遊大陸1 Leg / F. Continent 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
レッグ/ 龍祭壇 1 Leg / Dragon Altar 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
レッグ/ 砂漠1 Leg / Desert 1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
レッグ/ 地下坑道1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
レッグ/ 採掘場跡1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
レッグ/海岸1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
レッグ/海底1 |
Random Main Effect (Lv.1) —————————– |
The window displayed in the middle on the right side lists the main effect that has the greatest chance to appear. This window will update with a different main effect each day at 13:00 JST.

Each recipe requires three kinds of materials:
- Crystals corresponding to the recipe's planet.
- Unit Crafting materials corresponding to the location of the unit.
- Meseta
Insufficient materials will appear in red text.
Planet Crystals
- ナベリウス結晶 (Naberius Crystal)
- アムドゥスキア結晶 (Amduscia Crystal)
- リリーパ結晶 (Lillipa Crystal)
- ウォパル結晶 (Wopal Crystal)
These items can be found in quests or purchased from player shops.
Unit Materials
- アイロリアス IroRears
- アイロアムス IroArms
- アイロレグス IroLegs
- スティリアス SteeRears
- スティアムス SteeArms
- スティレグス SteeLegs
These items can be obtained through Item Desysnthesis or purchased from player shops.
▲▲ Click the Saved Data tab to continue. ▲▲

This menu lists the crafted data drive's effects and stats.
Data Drive Explanations (Unfinished) |
Effect | Description |
効果発揮条件 Effect Appearance Condition |
Specific Field / Quest Type
Determined by recipe style.
メイン効果 Main Effect |
サブ効果 Sub Effect |
Additional Stats
追加効果 Extra Effect |
Appears by achieving a [Great Success]. |
Temporary Ability Installations
- 時限能力データ作成: Create a Temporary Ability
- データドライブを更新: Update Data Drives
- データドライブを確認: Check Saved Data Drives
Data Drives are saved into one of three slots corresponding to the unit's location on the body. Please be aware that crafting a new data drive will overwrite whatever was saved on that slot.
A screen like the one above will appear asking if you'd like to overwrite the data drive. Press the left button to save (保存).
◆◆ You've reached the end of the Data Drive crafting section. ◆◆
Once you've finished saving a data drive, you can start crafting items that attach to the unit. Choose one of the three data drive slots and supply the required materials.
Temporary Ability Data requires three kinds of materials:
- Photon Drops or related items
- Unit Crafting Materials
- Meseta
[Temporary Ability Data] crafting is more concerned with the time frame the effect lasts. If you are unhappy with the recipes shown in the Data Drive selection screen, please refer to the 3 tabs in the previous section.
Select a Crafting Line and a Data Drive to initiate the crafting process.
After the craft is complete, an item like the one displayed above will appear in your inventory under the consumables tab.
Temporary Ability Data
- Effect Conditions
- Main Effects
- Sub Effects
- Extra Effects
- Time Period: 7日 Days
Refer to the Data Drive section at the top of this post for more details about these effects.
Those who achieved a [Great Success] upon crafting this item will have more days added onto the effect.
Check the consumables tab in your inventory to apply the Temporary Ability to the unit. When the item is ready to be consumed, the confirmation screen will target the unit currently equipped to your character. The unit it selects is based on whether the data applies to rear, arm, or leg units. Press the left blue button to apply the ability ※ Please Note: Performing this action binds the unit to its owner.
More information will be added in the upcoming days.