The PlayStation 4 version launches alongside a brand new update after maintenance! Our next AC Scratch will arrive a little later, on April 22nd.
April 20th Maintenance Extended
- 4/20/2016 @ 2:00 ~ 19:00 JST
- 4/19/2016 @ 1:00 PM ~ 6:00 AM EDT
PSO2es Maintenance
- 4/20/2016 @ 0:00 ~ 17:30 JST
- 4/19/2016 @ 11:00 AM ~ 4:30 AM EDT
April 20th Patch
- Launcher: Version 04.00.01
- Client: ver. 4.0201.0
- Patch Size: 17.8 GB (PC)
- If Pre-patched: 889 MB
April 20th PlayStation 4 Release
- Client Size: 45 GB+
The PlayStation 4 version will be available for download around noon (JST).
April 20th Vita Patch (ver. 4.08)
- Download Version Size: 3098 MB+8521 MB
- Game Cart Version Size: 8521 MB
Vita players may encounter insufficient storage space when downloading the 8521 MB patch on April 20th. Those affected should delete the PSO2 application and re-download the game and patch once the update becomes available.
PSO2es Guide
AC Scratch
Item Code Offers
- Seven-Eleven Collaboration
- Episode 4 Deluxe Package
- PSO2 the Animation Blu-ray/DVD
- ARKS Café Festa Special
- Sympathy 2015
- Festa 2016 Goods
- Shiki Figure Release
- Episode 1 & 2 Materials Collection
- PSO2 Music CD Releases
Item Listings
The following directions are recommended for Tweaker Users to install the pre-patch. Please keep in mind that using the "Old Method" overwrites all English Patch files, including the Story Patch. This may result in additional files being downloaded if one has not backed up the affected files.
1. With the Tweaker started, click [Yes] if prompted to install the pre-patch files.
2. Click [No] if asked to download an update for PSO2. Hitting [Yes] will launch the new method.
3. From here, you should now be greeted by the default Tweaker menu.
4. Click on the orb located on the top left of the Tweaker itself.
5. From the dropdown menu, select the "Check for PSO2 Updates (Old Method)" option.
The Tweaker will now perform a file check and uninstall any English patches if you've installed them. Once it has finished checking the files, it will then download the rest of the update. This should successfully complete the updating process.
※Please note that if you happened to install any of the English Patches, the Tweaker will also re-download the original Japanese files, as well as the update. This may increase the total size of the update.
(Courtesy of Synth)
Patch Notes
Class & Weapon Update
- New-Type Weapons
- Starting April 20th, a plethora of pre-existing weapons will begin dropping under the (NT) (New-Type) classification system. These weapons will use a grinding process that unites multiple features all into the same menu. This grinding process will be explained in more detail sometime after the servers go up.
Gathering Update
- Desert Exploration and Quarry Exploration are the newest fields to receive gathering spots. The Gathering Mini-Guide will be updated to cover the new rings and cuisines.
New Arks GP Quests
- アークスGP2016本戦 (Arks Grand Prix Semi-Finals)
- アークスGP2016決勝 (Arks Grand Prix Finals)
※ Items and EXP can not be obtained from these quests.
※These quests will be available until June 22nd.
The above names are temporary and will be changed to reflect what's written in the English Patch.
New Limited-time Client Orders
- Itsuki (4/20 ~ 6/22)
- Jeané (4/20 ~ 6/8)
※ Jeané will receive new client orders along with this update.
New Quests
Type | Name | Field |
ボーナス クエスト Bonus Quest |
特別任務:禍津【銀】 Special Mission: Magatsu [Silver] |
白ノ領域・唱結界内 Shironia Sealed Grounds Interior |
特別任務:禍津【金】 Special Mission : Magatsu [Gold] |
白ノ領域・唱結界内 Shironia Sealed Grounds Interior |
練習クエスト Training Quest |
フォトンアーツの基礎 The Basics of Photon Arts |
VR空間 VR Space VR Space |
テクニックの基礎 The Basics of Technics |
VR空間 VR Space | |
ハンターの基礎 Hunter Basics |
VR空間 VR Space | |
レンジャーの基礎 Ranger Basics |
VR空間 VR Space | |
フォースの基礎 Force Basics |
VR空間 VR Space | |
ブレイバーの基礎 Braver Basics |
VR空間 VR Space | |
バウンサーの基礎 Bouncer Basics |
VR空間 VR Space | |
サモナーの基礎 Summoner Basics |
VR空間 VR Space |
※ Items and EXP can not be obtained from these quests.
※ Subdue Fongalf must be cleared in order to access these quests.
New Client Orders
- Added New Client Orders
New Interrupt Events
- Added new interrupt events
New Partner Cards
- Itsuki
- Itsuki Awakened
Partial New Item Listing
Story Board
- New Story Board Events
Class Skill / PAs and Technics
- Fighter Skill "Crazy Heart" has been updated to also allow the pet's normal attacks to increase the PP recovered.
- The palette will now be able to switch when pressing the Palette Switching button during Na Zonde's attack.
Skill Ring
- The grinding menu will now display the changes in HP needed to activate the Perfect Keeper rings based on its grind value.
- Invincibility frames have been added to Just Guards for skill rings that activate under that condition.
Client Orders and Daily Orders
- Added a goal achievement condition for Koffie's Free Exploration: Forest Client Order
- The following Client Orders have changed to distribute an NT classified weapon as the reward.
NPC Name | Client Order |
Ohza | 大剣の扱い方 自在槍の扱い方 長槍の扱い方 剛拳の扱い方 双小剣の扱い方 両剣の扱い方 |
Risa | 長銃はこう使うんですよお 銃剣はこう使うんですよお 大砲はこう使うんですよお 双機銃はこう使うんですよお |
Marlu | 長杖の使用方法 導具の使用方法 短杖の使用方法 |
Azanami | カタナの使い方を指導しちゃうよ! バレットボウを指導しちゃうよ! |
Saga | 魔装脚の使い方 |
Katori | 飛翔剣についてご存知? |
- For [Annihilator's Apparition], the name of the [Magatsu Annihilation Boost] that occurs after clearing the quest will now be known as [Raid Reward].
- Arks Quest [Rare Ore Mining] will now be comprised of 2 Areas.
- The [Empe Rappy] will now appear as an Emergency Trial in all Free-Fields.
- Eased the restrictions on how high a player may reach on the following fields
- Dragon Altar
- Parallel Area
Training Quest
- Added Training Quest as a new Quest Type
- After completing the quest, there's a chance that you may end up in a different block than the one you originally departed from.
Arks Road
- Removed [Using Partner Cards] as an objective for the [Basic Combat Operation] Arks Road.
Star Gems
- Star Gems are a new form of currency that allows players to purchase some services that would typically require AC. You can receive Star Gems for free by performing certain actions in the game, or with real money by spending Arks Cash.
Star Gems Acquisition Methods
- [Paid] Purchasing SG through Arks Cash
- [Free] As a reward for clearing a Bonus Quest
- [Free] As a reward for wearing a newly released costume, body part, or outerwear.
- [Free] As a reward based on your placement in the Rankings.
Affection Rating
- Players can receive Star Gems for free by wearing Costumes, Outerwear, or Body Parts released after April 22nd, 2016.
Star Gem Payment Methods
You may use Star Gems to perform the following actions:
- To reset the cooldown timers on a Collection Sheet
- To recover stamina through Gathering
- To recover Pet Egg Synthesis Usage
Character Creation and Beauty Salon
- Added [Smart Inner] among the choices of default Innerwear.
- Male Casts will now be able to [favorite] their head parts.
- Removed the option to select [Small Window Size] from the Salon Settings in Options.
Collection File System
- Collection File is a new system that allows you to obtain a rare weapon after collecting other items. The collection sheet is split up into two categories known as [Reward Item] and [Required Items]. Collecting all the [Required Items] allows you to obtain the [Reward Item] listed at the top of the sheet. One the player obtains the [Reward Item] the collection sheet will be placed into cooldown, which can be reset through payment of Star Gems.
- Each [Required Item] requires the player to defeat specific enemies. During the Quest Results screen, the gauge for that item will rise if the player defeats enemies targeted for that item. Once the gauge reaches close to 100%, the item will drop upon defeating the next qualified enemy.
- Bonus Quests and Story Quests do not qualify for the Collection File System.
- Defeating enemies and picking up qualified items within PSO2es will not count towards the Collection File System.
- [Collection File] has been added to the [Item Pack] button in the Main Menu.
- [Event Item] was moved to another location. It can now be accessed from [My Data] > [Character Information].
New Collection Sheet
- [Revolucio Collection] is available from April 20th through August 10th, 2016
New Team Room
- Tokyo
Lobby Actions
- Added the new Lobby [Reaction] system.
- Only some Lobby Actions will support the [Reaction] feature.
Item Lab
- The Item Lab will be updated to support New-Type Weapons. New-Type Weapons will use a new grinding system that's different from our current iteration.
- Menu option [Unlock Potential Abilities] will have its name changed to say [Unlock Old-Type Potential Abilities]. Players can unlock the potential abilities for New-Type weapons by utilizing the [Item Grind] option listed at the top of the Item Lab menu.
- Element Grinding for New-Type weapons can only be performed through the [Item Grind] option listed at the top of the Item Lab menu.
- The [Element Grinding] option in the Item Lab menu will only allow you to select [Element Changers] as assistance items for weapons that already reached the max elemental grind.
- Grinding assistance item explanations will now say which items qualify for its usage at the Item Lab.
- Added rarity designs to the Pet Icons
- One personality will be grayed out if two of the same personalities show up during Rarity Grinding.
- Locked Eggs can no longer be synthesized with pets.
- You can now return a Pet back into an Egg at the Pet Lab.
- Performing this action costs meseta.
- All candy will be deleted from the pet's candy box.
- Crushed Caramel cubes will be revived.
- Only the pet's name, stats, and level remain.
- Please use the candy remover if you wish to keep the candy for later use.
Potential Abilities
- Added Potentials that can be unlocked through a new item called [Weaponoid Booster].
- Only some weapons will receive this new potential.
Shop Update
- Added items to the Skill Ring, Cuisine, and FUN Shop
- The product listing for the FUN Shop will be split up into 3 categories.
- Consumables
- Lobby Actions
- Room Items
- My Room Shop lineup has been updated.
- Added items to the Casino Prize Shop
- Increased the limit on the number of Lambda Grinders you can receive.
Launcher Update
- Updated the design of the Launcher
- Added New Graphics Setting 6 to the slider.
- Instead of an expressing the Shift and Spacebar keys through letters, the [Control Announcements Settings] will now display them as icons if [Keyboard Type] was selected.
- Added a setting to reduce the brightness of some effects under the Drawing Settings.
- [Auto Meseta Pickup] will now be turned on by default.
Action Palette Type
- Added [Action Palette Type] as a new setting in Options.
- With this you can change your weapon palette from the current [2-button] type system over to the [3-button] style.
Chat Commands
- Added chat commands [/ce] [/ce off] and [/ce on].
- [/ce] will make your character temporarily look at the camera. Normally this lastst for 10 seconds, however by typing [/ce on], your character will continue to look until they either log off or [/ce off] is entered.
- Added the chat command [/uioff]
- [/uioff] temporarily removes the user interface. You can remove the interface for a specific number of seconds by typing a number after the chat command. For example [/uioff 5] will remove the interface for 5 seconds. The UI can be turned off with this command for a maximum of 600 seconds.
Other Adjustments
- Your Casino Coins will no longer display in the [Basic Status] window. You can view the status of your [CC] by heading to the casino.
- Added Star Gem currency to the [Basic Status] window.
- In the PC version, added a return button in the Candy Compression menu at the Pet Lab.
- Changed some of the file types in the PC version, granting some improvements to its loading speed.
- [Episode 4's Opening Movie] has been added to the Lobby Monitors, Title Screen, and Event Chronicle.
- Purchase counts for Egg Synthesis recovery and Stamina Drinks will now reset at [5 AM] instead of [12 AM].
- Instead of the [Extreme Quest Administrator], Pudding will now be known as the [Equipment Administrator].
- New Characters will now have a [New-Type] weapon when they start.
- You can now receive a [Weaponoid Booster] as a reward for clearing Jeané's Emergency Trial.
- Changed the design of the Photon Booster's icon.
- Some quests which do not drop Matter Board and Client Order items will now be able to do so.
- You can now receive Magatsu Bonus Keys in the Gift Box for clearing a Featured Quest. While overall you'll have a higher chance at obtaining a Bonus Key, they have reduced the rate in which a Tokyo Bonus Key will appear in the box.
- Lucky Rise style special effect will now share the same description with other abilities that have identical effects.
- Adjusted the contents of some tutorials.
- The tutorials listed in the System Menu will now be sorted by topic.
- Added an event where Xiera introduces the Gate Area for players who start a new game.
- Changed the names of some Partner Characters displayed in the Partner Summoning Terminal
- When switching your weapon palette, it will now display the elemental value and the element of the pet assigned to the Tact.
- Changed the lineup of Ships in the Ship selection screen.
- You can now immediately receive an Secret Phrase Campaign Item from the Visiphone after saying the qualifying phrase.
- The My Shop Search Results list has been updated to include applicable items distributed no later than April 19th.
- Added an entry in the AC Scratch Purchase menu that directs you to the AC Scratch Catalog website.
Pet Adjustments
- It will now be easier to hit enemies with Marron/Melon Curse.
Client Order Adjustments
- Relaxed the Client Order success conditions for
- Level Cap Trial 2
- Changed the Objectives for:
- Difficulty Unlock 1
- Difficulty Unlock 2
- Subclass License-Application
- Changed the Unlocking Conditions for:
- Level Cap Trial 1
- Difficulty Unlock 1
Changed the Exploration Permits given from the following Koffie Orders.
Client Order Name | Exploration Permits |
探索許可申請試練・I Exploration Request I |
火山洞窟探索許可証 Volcano Caverns Exploration Permit |
探索許可申請試練・II Exploration Request II |
砂漠探索許可証/海岸探索許可証 Desert / Coast Exploration Permit |
探索許可申請試練・III Exploration Request III |
凍土探索許可証 Tundra Exploration Permit |
探索許可申請試練・IV Exploration Request IV |
地下坑道探索許可証 Sub. Tunnels Exploration Permit |
探索許可申請試練・V Exploration Request V |
浮遊大陸探索許可証 Skyscape Exploration Permit |
探索許可申請試練・VI Exploration Request VI |
遺跡探索許可証/龍祭壇探索許可証 Ruins / Dragon Altar Exploration Permit |
Added New Client Orders which distribute the following Exploration Permits
Client Order | Exploration Permits |
適正能力審査試練・海岸 | 採掘場跡探索許可証/白ノ領域探索許可証 Quarry / Shironia Exploration Permit |
適正能力審査試練・採掘場跡 | 海底探索許可証 Seabed Exploration Permit |
適正能力審査試練・白ノ領域 | 浮上施設探索許可証 Floating Facility Exploration Permit |
適正能力審査試練・浮上施設 | 黒ノ領域探索許可証 Kuron Exploration Permit |
Buffed the Observational Data drop rate for the following Client Orders:
- Free Exploration Desert
- Free Exploration Tundra
- Free Exploration Sub. Tunnels
- Free Exploration Skyscape
- Free Exploration Ruins
- Free Exploration Dragon Altar
Other Balance Changes
- Lengthened the firing range of the AIS Gatling Gun.
- Relaxed the difficulty of the Emergency Trial in which you must [Suppress the Massive Outbreak of Enemies].
Balance Adjustments
Welcome aboard PlayStation 4 players! Today marks the official launch of the PlayStation 4 version. PlayStation 4 players who are new to the game can read up on brief tutorials that cover registering, logging in, and selecting a character. More information will be added to the guides in the future! For now please click the button below to read our guide on getting started.
New-Type Grinding System
3-Button Type
A new setting in Options can be found under the following tabs:
操作設定 (Control Setting)
アクションタイプ選択 (Action Type Selection)
Select a Button Type
- 3ボタンタイプ (3-Button Type) or 2ボタンタイプ (2-Button Type)
From here you can store up to 6 actions in your weapon palette, ranging from photon arts, weapon actions, and normal attacks. You can place these actions in any of the slots, creating situations where all the buttons are set with PAs. If you really wanted to, you could even place multiple instances of the guard button.
Coming Soon…
Itsuki's Client Orders
Client Order | Objective |
はじめましてからはじまる! |
Clear [Forest Exploration] with only Itsuki in your party. |
艦橋に興味あり | Speak to Xiera on the Bridge. Reward: Photon Sphere |
パーティープレイをしませんか | Clear [V. Cave Exploration] with only Itsuki and SORO in your party. |
カジノで勝ちたいの | Speak to Alto at the Casino. Reward: +50% Tribooster |
RINAも一緒に | Clear [Coast Exploration] with only Itsuki and RINA/SORO in your party. |
アークスの料理はどんなもの? | Speak to Sophia at Franca's Café. Reward: 50 Harvesting Stamina Drink |
境界を超えた力 | Clear [Tunnels Exploration] with either version of Itsuki and RINA/SORO. |
じっくりと見てみたい | Defeat [Darkers] x99 |
※Be sure to select the "Talk" option when interacting with the NPCs.
▲▲ Eastern Daylight Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!
▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!
Eastern / Central / Mountain / Arizona / Pacific
Hawaii / São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow
Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan
Please Note:
- The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
- Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
- This calendar is unable to show Emergency Quests that occur at random.
- Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear in this calendar with only their start times.
- Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.
PS4 Commemoration Start Dash Campaign

New Registration Campaign
Register a new SEGA ID and start playing PSO2 during the campaign period to receive prizes worthy of a rookie ARKS member. Use the EXP Tickets right after clearing the tutorial to boost your character straight to level 10!
Campaign Period
- April 20th ~ May 25th
- Evo. Device / Red Puyo
- 3000 EXP Ticket (x5)
- Casino Coin Pass (x5)
- Half Doll
- Rear / Fresh Aura
※PSO2 accounts created prior to the start of this campaign do not qualify for the prizes. The campaign specifically targets new registrations for PSO2, not PSO2es.
Prize Pickup Expiration
- Until maintenance on August 24th.
Level Up Campaign
Create a new character and reach the specified levels for any class to receive EXP Tickets and Triboosters!
Campaign Period
- April 20th ~ May 11th
Campaign Qualifications
(1) Reach Level 15+ as any class to receive:
- 15,000 EXP Ticket
- +50% Tribooster
(2) Reach Level 20+ as any class to receive:
- 15,000 EXP Ticket (x2)
- +50% Tribooster (x2)
(3) Reach Level 30+ as any class to receive:
- 15,000 EXP Ticket (x3)
- +50% Tribooster (x4)
(4) Reach Level 40+ as any class to receive:
- 15,000 EXP Ticket (x4)
- +50% Tribooster (x6)
Prize Distribution Date
- Late May
Start Dash Login Campaign
Pick up a new prize from the Visiphone each day you log into the game during the campaign!
Date | Prize |
4/21 | 15,000 EXP Ticket |
4/22 | Free Salon Pass |
4/23 | Casino Coin Pass (x5) |
4/24 | +100% Tribooster |
4/25 | 15,000 EXP Ticket |
4/26 | 15,000 EXP Ticket |
4/27 | 15,000 EXP Ticket |
Players must select a character and enter the lobby to qualify for the current day. Players who were continuously logged in from the previous day, must log back into the game again to qualify for the current day.

Loads of Rappy Suits coming with purchases of Premium Sets during the campaign period. This campaign is open to both PSO2 and PSO2es players! However, PSO2es players must link their account to qualify.
Campaign Period
- April 20th ~ May 11th
Campaign Qualifications
(1) Purchase a 30 Day Premium Set (1,300 AC) during the campaign period to receive:
- Rappy Suit
- +50% Tribooster (x3)
(2) Purchase a 60 Day Premium Set (2,300 AC) during the campaign period to receive:
- Rappy Suit
- +100% Tribooster (x3)
(3) Purchase a 90 Day Premium Set (3,300 AC) during the campaign period to receive:
- Rappy Suit
- Clinging Nyau
- +150% Tribooster (x3)
- 15,000 EXP Ticket (x5)
※Premium Sets must be purchased to qualify. Using previously acquired sets will not count towards the campaign.
Prize Distribution Date
- Late May

Get in on the fun of joining a team and participating in team activities, while earning prizes along the way.
Campaign Period
- April 20th ~ May 11th
Campaign Qualifications
Join or already be in a team with four or more players to receive one +100% Tribooster. Earn additional rewards by clearing the selected objective each week of the campaign.
Period | Objective | Reward |
Apr. 20th ~ 27th (Maintenance) |
Earn 1,000 or more Team Points. |
+100% EXP Booster |
Apr. 27th ~ May 4th (Maintenance) |
Clear three or more Team Orders. |
15,000 EXP Ticket (x3) |
May 4th ~ 11th (Maintenance) |
Join a team that changed the Team Room that week. |
+100% Tribooster |
Prize Distribution Date
- Late May
SORO Suit Set Campaign #3
The SORO Suit Set campaign returns for any that missed their chance last time. Work your way through Episode 4's story to earn SORO's costume.
Campaign Period
- April 20th ~ May 11th (Maintenance)
Campaign Qualifications
Clear the Story Board event pieces at coordinates [015-B], [014-C], and [015-D] to receive:
- SORO・レプカM ║ SORO Repca M
- SORO・レプカF ║ SORO Repca F
- SOROマント ║ SORO Cloak
※Players who successfully completed one of the previous SORO Suit Set campaigns will not be eligible for the prizes again.
Prize Distribution Date
- Late May
Purchase AC Shop items at a discounted rate between April 20th ~ May 11th.
Item Package | Contents | Price |
半額ACスクラッチ券 Half-Priced AC Scratch Ticket |
AC Scratch Ticket (x1) |
100 AC |
500AC初心者セット 500 AC Beginners Set |
Item Pack Expansion +10 (x1) AC Scratch Ticket (x2) |
500 AC |
アイテムパック拡張5個セット 5x Item Pack Expansion Set |
Item Pack Expansion +10 (x5) |
1,600 AC |
27スクラッチ 27 Scratches |
AC Scratch Ticket (x27) | 4,900 AC |
55スクラッチ 55 Scratches |
AC Scratch Ticket (x55) | 9,900 AC |
※Each item package is limited one per account.
These items will appear in yellow at the AC Shop.